Gun Control Battles Brewing in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Capitol
Pennsylvania Capitol in Harrisburg

Gun grabbers in the Pennsylvania General Assembly wasted no time introducing a wave of gun control bills that threaten the rights of law-abiding gun owners to kick off the 2025-2026 legislative session.

Despite claims that these measures are to enhance public safety, the reality is that they do little to stop crime and instead punish responsible citizens.

Among the most troubling proposals so far are: SB 39, SB 42, SB 43, SB 122, SB 208, and SB 209 – each of which imposes unnecessary restrictions on gun ownership and personal freedom.

SB 39 – Banning Firearms in Public Parks

SB 39, introduced by Senator Vincent Hughes, looks to prohibit the possession of firearms in all public parks across Pennsylvania. This measure is based on the deeply flawed assumption that criminals will suddenly comply with gun-free zone laws.

  • First: Criminals Don’t Follow Laws – The only people affected by this ban are law-abiding gun owners. Criminals who intend harm will ignore any ban, leaving responsible citizens defenseless in public spaces.
  • Additionally: Parks Are Not Crime-Free Zones – Public parks, particularly in urban areas like in Senator Hughes’ district, are not immune to violent crime. Under this law, Pennsylvanians who legally carry for self-defense would be stripped of their ability to protect themselves and their families.

This bill is another feel-good measure that fails to deter crime while infringing on gun rights.

SB 42 – Banning 3-D Printed Firearms

SB 42, also introduced by Senator Hughes, attempts to ban 3-D printed firearms by labeling them as a public safety risk. However, this proposal is based on fear rather than fact.

  • There is a national history of citizens building their own firearms that dates back to before the American Revolution. Under recent Supreme Court rulings, citizens must be permitted to build their own firearms without government interference.
  • The number of crimes committed with 3-D printed guns is statistically insignificant. The overwhelming majority of criminals obtain firearms through already illegal means, not through personal 3-D printing. And even if they were, it’s still a Constitutionally-protected right for us to defend ourselves with 3-D printed firearms if we choose to.

This bill doesn’t address actual crime – instead, it attempts to restrict technology and curb lawful innovation.

SB 43 – Banning “Ghost Guns” (Unserialized Firearms)

SB 43, again introduced by Senator Hughes, takes aim at homemade firearms by branding them as some kind of “loophole” in gun laws. The issues with this proposal are very similar to those with SB 42. The ability to manufacture personal firearms has existed since before the Constitution was written.

  • Of course, criminals already obtain guns illegally – Most firearms used in crimes are obtained through theft or the black market, not from hobbyists who legally build their own firearms.
  • So this law targets law-abiding gun owners instead. Many gun owners enjoy crafting legal firearms for personal use, yet this law criminalizes an activity that has been legal for centuries, again running into problems with Supreme Court rulings.

Instead of targeting criminals, this law attacks the rights of responsible gun owners.

SB 122 – Universal Background Checks – A Path to Universal Gun Registration

SB 122, another one of Senator Hughes’ proposals, seeks to make background checks mandatory on all firearm transfers, including private sales and transfers between family members. In reality, it is a stealth attempt at universal gun registration.

By requiring background checks for all firearm transfers – including private sales between friends, neighbors, and even family members – this bill would create a government record of every legal gun transfer in the state.

  • A Backdoor Gun Registry – Background checks don’t just vet the buyer; they create a paper trail of firearm ownership. Over time, this will amount to a de facto gun registry, allowing the government to track law-abiding gun owners.
  • Criminals Won’t Comply – Like with all restrictive gun laws, criminals don’t follow them. They obtain guns through theft, straw purchases, and the black market – none of which require background checks.
  • Path to Confiscation – Historically, gun registration has often led to confiscation in places where anti-gun lawmakers have gained power. Once the government knows who owns what, banning and seizing firearms becomes the very easy next step.

SB 122 does nothing to stop illegal gun transfers, but it does lay the foundation for universal gun registration and eventual confiscation – both dangerous infringements on the Second Amendment rights of Pennsylvanians.

SB 208 – A 72-Hour Waiting Period for Firearm Purchases

SB 208, introduced by Senator Amanda Cappelletti, would mandate a three-day waiting period before completing any firearm purchase, Instead of accomplishing Senator Cappelletti’s alleged intent to reduce impulsive violence, it actually will endanger those who need firearms for self-defense.

  • Delays Self-Defense for At-Risk Individuals – Victims of domestic violence or those facing immediate threats need a firearm for protection. A waiting period could cost them their lives.
  • No Proven Impact on Crime or Suicide – Studies on waiting periods are inconclusive and, in many cases, there are no measurable reductions in firearm-related suicides or crimes.

SB 208 seeks to punish responsible gun owners while failing to stop determined criminals.

SB 209 – Mandatory Firearm Liability Insurance

SB 209, also introduced by Senator Cappelletti, would require all gun owners to purchase $1,000,000 in liability insurance, adding another financial barrier to exercising their Second Amendment rights.

  • An unconstitutional “Pay-to-Own” System – The right to keep and bear arms should not depend on someone’s ability to afford insurance.
  • No Impact on Crime – Criminals will not purchase insurance, making this law meaningless for public safety.

This bill serves only as another unconstitutional tax on law-abiding gun owners, disproportionately affecting low-income individuals.

The Real Impact of These Gun Control Bills

The latest gun control push by gun grabbers in the Pennsylvania General Assembly does nothing to address crime and instead targets responsible gun owners. These bills create more restrictions, more bureaucracy, and more obstacles for citizens who simply want to exercise their constitutional rights.

How Can You Help?

The best defense is often an aggressive offense. And thankfully, we have an answer for the gun control push.

Representative Aaron Bernstine has introduced HB 454, Constitutional Carry, in the State House. This would remove unconstitutional permitting requirements and allow all law-abiding Pennsylvanians to carry without needing to repurchase their Second Amendment rights from the government.

By going on the OFFENSE for Constitutional Carry, gun owners can put the gun control lobby and their political allies in Harrisburg back on their heels.

Click here to sign your Constitutional Carry Petition today and tell your legislators to support HB 454!

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