Accepting NO COMPROMISE on the issue of gun control.

It's a RIGHT,

It's a RIGHT, Not a Privilege


Firearms Liberty for Pennsylvania

The only “No Compromise” gun rights group in Pennsylvania!

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Accepting NO COMPROMISE on the issue of gun control, PAGR works tirelessly to hold politicians accountable for their anti-gun views and repeatedly makes great advances in protecting and preserving our Second Amendment freedoms.

Join the fight today by becoming a Pennsylvania Gun Rights member for just $30! Or, show your steadfast support by becoming a life member for only $500 today!

Help PAGR keep up the fight in Pennsylvania!

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Become a Member Today!

Accepting NO COMPROMISE on the issue of gun control, PAGR works tirelessly to hold politicians accountable for their anti-gun views and repeatedly makes great advances in protecting and preserving our Second Amendment freedoms.

Join the fight today by becoming a Pennsylvania Gun Rights member for just $30! Or, show your steadfast support by becoming a life member for only $500 today!

Help PAGR keep up the fight in Pennsylvania!

Your Monthly Support Will Help Us

Preserve Second Amendment Rights

PAGR is committed to preserving our Second Amendment freedoms. Your support aids them in this mission.

Grassroot Activism

PAGR has a dedicated, expanding membership of grassroots activists. Your support helps grow this community and leads the charge against the anti-gun agenda.

Hold Politicians Accountable

PAGR works tirelessly to hold politicians accountable for their anti-gun views. Your support helps them in this endeavor.


Membership plans

Standard One-Year Membership

$ 30
/per year

upgraded One-Year Membership

$ 60
/per year

Life Membership

$ 500


Latest Updates
Philly restaurant stops two masked robbers
Two armed, masked men burst into a Philadelphia restaurant and announced they were robbing the business...
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Philly restaurant stops two masked robbers
Two armed, masked men burst into a Philadelphia restaurant and announced they were robbing the business...
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Philly restaurant stops two masked robbers
Two armed, masked men burst into a Philadelphia restaurant and announced they were robbing the business...
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